NEWS – Marketing Forecasts Call for Rain

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By The Team at Rain
Blog - 2 min. read

A Group of Paris-based Americans Form A Creative Collective Aimed at Helping Brands Make A Bigger Splash on The Global Market

Paris, December 8, 2020 – The pandemic may have closed borders, killed budgets, and wreaked havoc on the business world, but many independent professionals have seen it as an ideal time to leverage their expertise and re-channel their offering. Such was the case for Rain’s co-founders.

Just before Covid-19 hit, four expats – Noel Thevenet, Susan Langmann, Chris Clark, and Bill Fahber, along with their skilled French tech partner Fabrice Climence – were wrapping up a project together. Each of them had been working for years in Paris, but this was the first time they all ended up on a predominately American creative team.

They found it unusually rewarding to share a common American mindset in terms of strategy, design, and content. And because their skills fit together in such a complementary way, the prospect of joining forces and merging their talents into a single offering had become a serious discussion. And then, Covid-19 came to France and made the whole concept even more pertinent.

In their view, communication would no longer just be about sunshine and happy days. It would be about embracing the unpredictable, navigating through the gloom and doom, and, above all, continuing to nurture growth. Rain would, therefore, be the perfect metaphor for their new venture.

As Noel Thevenet describes it, “There we were, four Americans sitting in a Parisian café, celebrating a recent project, and gleefully mapping out our vision for the future. Little did we know, Covid-19 was about to change everything. We had to ask ourselves, ‘What now? Is anyone even going to care about branding anymore?’”

Fortunately, the team found the answer to be a resounding “yes.” Branding wouldn’t just be relevant. For many companies, it would be the key to survival. “The purpose of Rain is to help brands grow intelligently and find relevance in these crazy times,” explains Chris Clark. “To not just sit back and wait for the sun to come out, but to stand stronger, be tougher, and work smarter. To play in the global marketing mud and get dirty – and like it.”

Although their services are open to any company profile, Rain offers an unusually advantageous structure for French brands looking to reinforce their global presence: A fully American team of senior specialists, all bilingual, averaging 20 years’ experience each, and covering the entire scope of international communications, from brand strategy and tactical marketing to hands-on creative services.

Since going live, the Rain team has been busy on multiple international projects and is already considering future steps to expand its scope.

For more information –

Press contact – Noel Thevenet +33 6 20 12 77 91 /

About Us

Rain is a Paris-based group of multi-lingual senior branding professionals specialized in tactical brand marketing and creative communications for businesses developing internationally or commercializing innovative services and products.

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